Dr. Horowitz’s Published Newspaper Articles

Dr. Horowitz’s Published Newspaper Articles

The following articles were written by Dr. Horowitz and were published in various newspapers several years ago. To the best of his knowledge and expertise these articles were 100% factual at the time they were written and published. Changes are always occurring in the field of chiropractic and other health sciences, and as such, some of the information contained in these articles may no longer be valid or may no longer reflect current thought on the subject under discussion. Please read these articles and enjoy them for what insight they give you, but always consult your chiropractor or other health professional if you require up to date information on the topic. Also, these articles are for enjoyment and information purposes only, and should not be relied upon for “medical advice”. Please consult your chiropractor or other health professional if you require medical advice or treatment. These articles are copyrighted and it is strictly forbidden to reproduce these articles, in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, without Dr. Horowitz’s written permission.

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Seasonal Affairs with Footwear May Be Cause of Leg and Back Pain

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Toronto Star, Copyright October 4, 1990

Now that autumn is here, it’s time for women to start complaining about mysterious foot, ankle, leg and back pains. Perfectly healthy women are waking up with cramps and muscle spasms in the back of their legs. Their feet are tired, their backs are sore and they may feel rotten enough to visit a doctor or chiropractor, only to discover they have the symptoms of “spring-autumn footwear variation syndrome.” Continue Reading

Hot or Cold? It Depends on the Injury

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Toronto Star, Copyright May 22, 1989

Ice or heat? You’ve probably been faced with that question at some time-likely after a particularly vigorous aerobics class, or sprained ankle, or on a rainy, cool day when every bone in your body seems to ache. Your grandmother always told you to put heat on your sore joints and muscles. But you see athletes on television applying ice to their sore spots. You remember that your doctor once told you to put ice on your sprained ankle, but you also remember that he told you to apply heat to your sore back. Which one of these ancient remedies should you use, and when should you use it? Continue Reading

Metro Students Learn Back Care During Spinal Health Week

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Toronto Star, Copyright May 1, 1989

If you and your children have never given much thought to your spines, this may be the week to begin. Today is the beginning of Spinal Health Week. The idea is to get elementary school children to start thinking about taking care of their backs to avoid pain later on. Continue Reading

Bad Pillows Can Trigger Pain in Day

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Toronto Star, Copyright March 2, 1989

Most of us know that the way we sleep can have profound effects on the way we feel when awake. Length, quality, and position of sleep are all important, as is the type of bed you sleep on, but little attention has been paid to pillows. “Who cares about a pillow,” you might ask. You will, if you realize that your pillow might be the cause of your neck pain, headaches, upper back stiffness, or dizziness. Or it could be the reason you toss and turn uncomfortable for most of the night. Simply changing your pillow, or the way you use it, could significantly reduce discomfort. Continue Reading

Shoveling Doesn’t Have to be a Pain

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Toronto Star, Copyright December 22, 1988

It’s now the time of year when we ask the rhetorical question: “Is it that time of year again?” We are all well aware that snow has already fallen, the roads are covered with slush and yes, our driveways are coated with the white stuff that only Irving Berlin could appreciate. Continue Reading

Before You Select a Bed, Sleep on It

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Toronto Star, Copyright November 30, 1988

Ask any chiropractor what question is asked most frequently by patients and the answer will be: “What type of bed is best for me?” The possible responses come from the following list: firm mattress, waterbed, futon, foam mattress, air mattress or any type of bed that feels comfortable. There is no correct answer for all people. The age, weight and even sex life of the bed’s occupant must be considered before deciding to purchase one mattress over another. Continue Reading

Back pain? Ask the Boss for a New Chair

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Toronto Star, Copyright October 27, 1988

Sitting at a desk for most of the work day is no fun. Pain in the neck and upper and lower back and general stiffness usually result. The simple solution for most office workers is to get up and stretch. But what if that isn’t possible? Continue Reading

Protect Your Back While Driving

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Toronto Star, Copyright August 16, 1988

So you’ve polished the car, put air in the tires, tied the roof rack on, and filled the radiator with coolant. The maps are tucked into your sun visor, your traveler’s cheques are tucked inside your sock. You plan to do about 600 miles a day so you can get there in two days, holiday for three, drive home, and be back at work by Monday. Continue Reading

‘Pelvic Tilt’ Can Ease Backache

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Toronto Star, Copyright May 26, 1988

Rest in bed or go for a walk? Apply ice or take a hot bath? You have low  back pain and everyone from your grandmother to your aerobics instructor has a sure-fire cure. To whom do you listen? Continue Reading

A response to critic of column on back treatments

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Liberal, Copyright November 25, 1987

This column will consist of a response to a Letter to the Editor which was published in the Nov. 18 edition of The Liberal.
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