Dr. Horowitz’s Published Newspaper Articles

Dr. Horowitz’s Published Newspaper Articles

The following articles were written by Dr. Horowitz and were published in various newspapers several years ago. To the best of his knowledge and expertise these articles were 100% factual at the time they were written and published. Changes are always occurring in the field of chiropractic and other health sciences, and as such, some of the information contained in these articles may no longer be valid or may no longer reflect current thought on the subject under discussion. Please read these articles and enjoy them for what insight they give you, but always consult your chiropractor or other health professional if you require up to date information on the topic. Also, these articles are for enjoyment and information purposes only, and should not be relied upon for “medical advice”. Please consult your chiropractor or other health professional if you require medical advice or treatment. These articles are copyrighted and it is strictly forbidden to reproduce these articles, in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, without Dr. Horowitz’s written permission.

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More tips on how to take vacation flights in comfort

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright April 26, 1989

In last week’s column I discussed some problems travellers often have when trying to get through a major international airport without hurting themselves or ruining their vacation.

Pearson International is not a well-designed airport, and a few bad airport experiences can often ruin an otherwise fun-filled vacation. Last week I brought you to the point where you have actually entered the airport. Continue Reading

This advice will help you enjoy a pain-free flight

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright April 19, 1989

We have heard much in recent months about the chaos at Pearson International Airport. Flight delays, crowds and parking difficulties are just a few of the joys which await airport visitors in Toronto.

What about airport travel in general? Is there any way to go about it while still maintaining your sanity, your health, and at least a few good memories from your vacation? Continue Reading

Today’s “sermon” will be on children’s sports

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright April 12, 1989

Dear readers:

            Today’s column will be a sermon. I will be discussing a philosophy which I admit is mine. As a chiropractor I am constantly answering questions from concerned parents which all have the same tone to them. Continue Reading

Will “magic belt” ease back pain?

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright April 05, 1989

Dear Dr. Horowitz:

            I am almost ashamed to ask this question, but that is why I am asking you instead of my doctor. You can laugh at me in print, but not in person.

I read those trashy periodicals, which shall remain nameless. They carry advertisements for all kinds of things. You can buy magic formulas to help you lose weight, grow hair, grow breasts, or grow two inches taller. Continue Reading

Bowler’s back bothers him after game

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright March 29, 1989

Dear Dr. Horowitz:

            I bowl three games of 10 pin every Saturday night. I am a fairly good bowler but I have a sore back the day after I bowl. I am healthy in every other way except for being 30 pounds overweight. What do you suggest? Continue Reading

Three doctors have three diagnoses for back problem

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright March 22, 1989

Dear Dr. Horowitz:

            What is the difference between “lumbago,” “muscle spasms,” and a “fixed spine”? I have a bad back and over the past year I have seen three different specialists. All have told me that I have to exercise and change my bad habits (sleeping on the couch, lifting incorrectly, etc.) if I want to be walking upright when I am 50 (I am 20 now). Continue Reading

Senior wonders if “clicking knee” should be treated

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright March 15, 1989

Dear Dr. Horowitz:

            My knee clicks whenever I bend it. I never have any pain or other problem with it, except the clicking. I used to be very active in all kinds of sports, but now that I have passed 65 I usually am content to go curling once a week, and do a bit of bowling once in a while.

I am concerned that if I don’t do something about my knee now it will get worse to the point where it will start to limit my activities. Am I worrying for nothing, or should I look into it further? Continue Reading

A “bed hotline” would be a very busy service

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright March 8, 1989

Last week’s column outlined the different theories behind water beds and firm, coil mattresses. Everyone these days wants to know what type of bed they should buy.

I wrote an article about this subject a while ago and my office was flooded with calls, as if I was a world-renowned bed expert. Continue Reading

What type of bed is best for lower back comfort?

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright March 1, 1989

Dear Dr. Horowitz:

            I do not have any back problems. I am a healthy, 30-year-old man who keeps active and very fit. My wife has some lower back pain on occasion, especially in the mornings.

Her doctor really couldn’t find anything wrong with her back and he referred her to a chiropractor. The chiropractor also couldn’t find anything wrong, and recommended some exercises and told us that we should buy a water bed because this would support her spine better. Continue Reading

Here are some alternative exercises to sit-ups

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright February 22, 1989

Last week’s column was an answer to a reader who was concerned because his lower back was hurting him whenever he did sit-ups which were recommended as a cure for his lower back pain.

I mentioned that there are other exercises which will also strengthen the abdominal muscles, but will not put any stress on the lower back. Sit-ups, in my opinion, are a very over-rated exercise as a way to help those with lower back pain. Continue Reading

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