Dr. Horowitz’s Published Newspaper Articles

Dr. Horowitz’s Published Newspaper Articles

The following articles were written by Dr. Horowitz and were published in various newspapers several years ago. To the best of his knowledge and expertise these articles were 100% factual at the time they were written and published. Changes are always occurring in the field of chiropractic and other health sciences, and as such, some of the information contained in these articles may no longer be valid or may no longer reflect current thought on the subject under discussion. Please read these articles and enjoy them for what insight they give you, but always consult your chiropractor or other health professional if you require up to date information on the topic. Also, these articles are for enjoyment and information purposes only, and should not be relied upon for “medical advice”. Please consult your chiropractor or other health professional if you require medical advice or treatment. These articles are copyrighted and it is strictly forbidden to reproduce these articles, in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, without Dr. Horowitz’s written permission.

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Those Blue Jays games can be a pain to watch

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright September 21, 1988

Although there are only a few weeks left in the baseball season,, I feel I cannot go through a summer without printing a column about back pain and the CNE stadium. Every year chiropractors in Toronto and surrounding areas hear complaints from patients who attended a baseball game and got more than they bargained for – back pain. Continue Reading

Man should consult doctor about back pain during sex

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright September 15, 1988

Last week I began an answer to a lady who wrote to ask about the low back pain her husband experienced whenever they had sex. In the last column I went over some of the possible causes of his pain (spinal disorders, tight muscles, sex positions, poor mattress, anxiety, organic disease, psychosomatic disorder, etc.) and in today’s column I will go into further details of some suggested remedies. Continue Reading

Sex probably isn’t the cause of pain in man’s lower back

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright September 7, 1988


            I have been a faithful reader of your column ever since it first began. I thoroughly enjoy them and find some of them quite funny.

One topic I have never seen covered by you is low back pain which occurs during sex. I promise that I am not trying to be funny. This is quite a serious subject around our house at the moment and I am hoping that you might shed some light on the subject. Continue Reading

Girl with scoliotic curve should have x-rays taken

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright August 30, 1988


            My 11-year-old daughter was just diagnosed as having an 18 degree scoliosis. I am actually very happy that I caught it myself and I have your column to thank for that.

A few months ago you wrote a column describing how to detect a scoliosis and what to do about it once it was discovered. I examined all three of my children and I discovered a curved spine in both of my daughters (my son is okay). Continue Reading

Hockey player asks for advice on how to treat a hip pointer

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright August 23, 1988


            Now that hockey season is here I think it is time you started answering questions dealing with our national sport rather than those boring American sports which you have been writing about. Football, boxing, basketball and baseball are fine for some but we all know that the only real Canadian sport is ice hockey. (I don’t think that lacrosse even deserves a mention.) Continue Reading

Do I need to visit my chiropractor for regular check ups?

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright October 01, 1986


            Could you please explain the rationale behind chiropractors recommending “regular” spinal examinations and/or treatment?

I had a severe low back injury a few months ago and I got 100 per cent relief and presumed cure after attending a chiropractor for three treatments. He explained to me that my back is the type that should have periodic treatments to ensure that my pain doesn’t come back. Continue Reading

Study casts doubt on effectiveness of TENS treatment

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Liberal, Copyright December 5, 1990

Today’s column discusses the findings of a study done in Seattle and San Antonio, the results of this study appearing in the New England Journal of Medicine, June 7, 1990. The study was designed to test the effectiveness of something known as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (T.E.N.S.). Continue Reading

Readers seek tips on a bland diet – “If it bothers you, don’t eat it” is advice for ulcer sufferers

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Liberal, Copyright September 18, 1985

Question: Thank you for your interesting and informative column.

I am experiencing ulcer-type acid symptoms which are presently being checked by my doctor. Only this year, too, Rheumatoid Arthritis has been diagnosed for which I take Feldene, as needed. I am also taking Eltroxin for a marginally-functioning thyroid. The gland itself is functioning marginally, but the pituitary, I believe, has to work too hard on its behalf. Continue Reading

Sufferers Should Keep a Diary of What They Eat: Certain Foods Can Trigger Migraines

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Liberal, Copyright July 3, 1985

QUESTION: I have suffered from migraine headaches for many years. I am frequently in touch with the Migraine Foundation in Toronto to find out any new information which might become available. I am well aware the diet plays a large role in migraines and that several foods can trigger a migraine headache. I have recently heard of ice cream and Chinese food as being two of the more common offenders. I often indulge in both of these treats but I don’t remember ever having a migraine afterwards. What can you tell me about these foods and their effects on migraines?

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Is It Dangerous for a 14 Year Old to Lift Weights?

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright September 10, 1986

Question: My 14-year-old son wants to begin lifting weights to get in shape for his upcoming hockey season. I recently read an article which said weight lifting might be dangerous for children his age. What is your opinion on this matter?

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