The following articles were written by Dr. Horowitz and were published in various newspapers several years ago. To the best of his knowledge and expertise these articles were 100% factual at the time they were written and published. Changes are always occurring in the field of chiropractic and other health sciences, and as such, some of the information contained in these articles may no longer be valid or may no longer reflect current thought on the subject under discussion. Please read these articles and enjoy them for what insight they give you, but always consult your chiropractor or other health professional if you require up to date information on the topic. Also, these articles are for enjoyment and information purposes only, and should not be relied upon for “medical advice”. Please consult your chiropractor or other health professional if you require medical advice or treatment. These articles are copyrighted and it is strictly forbidden to reproduce these articles, in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, without Dr. Horowitz’s written permission.
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Seasonal Affairs with Footwear May Be Cause of Leg and Back Pain
Hot or Cold? It Depends on the Injury
Metro Students Learn Back Care During Spinal Health Week
Bad Pillows Can Trigger Pain in Day
Shoveling Doesn’t Have to be a Pain
Before You Select a Bed, Sleep on It
Back pain? Ask the Boss for a New Chair
Protect Your Back While Driving
‘Pelvic Tilt’ Can Ease Backache
A response to critic of column on back treatments
Here are features to look for in an exercise bike
And my favorite exercise machine is…
Welcome to the world of medical terminology
Everything you wanted to know about osteophytes
Is there such a condition as ‘growing pains’?
Can headaches, backaches be caused by pregnancy?
Air Force Vet’s Condition Isn’t Usual
Change in lifestyle could relieve back problems
I didn’t try to undermine the physiotherapy week
It’s not usual for tots to be ‘knock-kneed’
‘Trigger finger’ may heal itself or may require surgery
This is why school buses don’t have seat belts
I’ll keep some promises in this column
This is what should be going on inside your neck
These are factors your doctor will study to decide if you should have back surgery
There are several ways to relieve pain of heel spurs
This is how chiropractors will examine patients suffering neck pain
Evaluating fitness clubs with help of an undercover reporter
Hidden cause for ‘shin splints’ must be found
Why surgery may not work
The disabled should have an opportunity to take part in sports
Physiology of the neck helps explain common types of pain
Visit proved at least one local mall isn’t so bad
Don’t buy orthotics from ‘fly-by-night’ operators
Here’s why a helmet is a must for safe cycling
Doctor can sort out confusion about lower back surgery
Statistics show that all cyclists should wear safety helmets
Here are some more tips on how not to catch ‘mallitis’
Here are some car trip survival tips
Patients’ stories show importance of bicycle helmets
Experts have conflicting ideas about when you should exercise
Problems with aching shoulder may originate in the neck
Surviving in the mall takes nerves of steel and sensible shoes
Make sure you use a child’s safety seat properly
Parents must insist that children stay buckled up
Painful arthritic condition often responds quickly to therapy
Young people can suffer several back problems
Many patients have told me they’restill alive thanks to their seatbelt
Headline rubbed massage therapists the wrong way
Here are some ways a senior can enjoy pain-free gardening
Fitness clubs should provide proper instruction
Children’s back pain requires immediate attention
Sit right back and you’ll hear a tale of bone islands
Check out fitness clubs for yourself before joining
Back supports can provide relief from some forms of pain
A tot should always be in a safety seat when in the car
A good bicycle helmet doesn’t have to be expensive and it might save your life
Studies show the benefits of chiropractic treatment
Spinal manipulation starting to receive recognition from medical community
Everything you wanted to know about the health benefits of long-distance cycling
Always consult medical professionals before non-scientific healers
Drinking beer before playing hockey isn’t a good idea
Teen advised to get dirt bike when he’s older
Back strip can prevent some hockey injuries
To me, there are a lot more things to this season than gift giving
Time to clear a few odds and ends off my desk
More expensive hockey equipment doesn’t always mean better protection
Here are some more of those secret “code words” doctors use
Okay, are you up to date on your medical code words?
My September clean-up
Massage relieves symptoms but doesn’t solve problem
You should do some stretching exercises before shovelling snow
Reader seeks relief from neck, shoulder pain
Patients should discuss any problems or side-effects of medication with their doctor
Pills don’t always treat the cause of your pain
There is hope for fibrositis sufferers
Stress, poor diet are two possible causes of regular headaches
Medication is “hit and miss” for “fibro” patients
Living with fibrositis means being a “human barometer”
Reader’s letter illustrates the anguish of fibrositis
Letters shed light on puzzling “disease”
Can thinking positively help fight illness?
Growing body of evidence supports self-healing
Maternity ward doctors and nurses are underpaid
Busy dad catches up on Cher’s life at hospital
He suffers from a sore back when camping out
Use headrests properly and you’ll save a lot of pain
How to calculate your ideal exercise heart rate
What Can I Do for My Back Pain?
There is a lighter side
Growing older raises some tough questions
Discs don’t really slip, but they can cause pain
The toughest part of exercise shows is taping them
We can walk on the moon, but we can’t cure back pain
Description of pain can help doctor help you
Know the proper names of your body parts
You can help your doctor by knowing right terminology
Treatments vary from one patient to another
Joint injury should be treated immediately
Short hamstring muscles can cause back ache
Here’s another good, healthy weight loss plan
Sizing up the big three weight loss companies
Changing eating behaviour is only way to lose weight
Losing weight means more than just going on a diet
A chronic back pain checklist for the ‘90s
Strange but true tales from the chiropractor’s office
Running shoes are definitely good for the ‘sole’
Proper diet, exercise can help prevent osteoporosis
I’m not trying to discourage use of epidural injections
Athlete suffers Headaches After Playing Soccer
Why do some MDs consider chiropractors ‘witch doctors’?
Have you joined the ‘shoe-conscious’ society?
Should You Run Backwards?
New look looks great!
Mall is full of friendly, neighborhood stores
This busy woman has four men in her life
Five chiropractors took medical groups to court
Here’s What You Can Do To Ease Pain In Shoulder
Here’s a safe (but illegal) way to buckle up in an overloaded car
Goalie’s Style Causes Knee Pain
Chiropractic treatments on spine improves his sex drive
Mall shopping is pain in the neck even Horowitz can’t cure
Everything must be considered when treating fibrositis
Fibrositis: the rheumatic disease of the eighties
Ligament problems likely cause of recurring ankle injuries
Causes of “Sacroiliac Syndrome” are numerous
Foot pain doesn’t always mean you require arch supports
Can tennis elbow be caused by other activities?
Treatment of whiplash depends on severity of injury
What exactly is a whiplash injury?
Knee problem may cause a “bump” but isn’t serious
Vacations are supposed to be fun, but are often stressful
“Turf toe” is a common injury for soccer players
Will inverted traction machine relieve back pain?
It’s time to clear some of the mail off my desk
Yes, elastic bands can fly off your hand accidently
Can eating apples trigger migraine headaches?
Simple exercises may have prevented “frozen shoulder”
Only professionals should “twist” your spine
MDs’ attitudes toward chiropractors has improved
Court ruled that medical groups conspired against chiropractors
Five chiropractors took medical groups to court
MDs’ attitudes toward chiropractors falls into 3 categories
Why do some MDs consider chiropractors “witch doctors”?
Strength exercises are very important for your posture
So, are you confused about exercise programs?
Treatments for arthritis vary “tremendously”
Reader has back pain after taking a deep breath
Can cervical collars cause some future problems with neck?
Reader attests to abilities of chiropractors
More tips on how to take vacation flights in comfort
This advice will help you enjoy a pain-free flight
Today’s “sermon” will be on children’s sports
Will “magic belt” ease back pain?
Bowler’s back bothers him after game
Three doctors have three diagnoses for back problem
Senior wonders if “clicking knee” should be treated
A “bed hotline” would be a very busy service
What type of bed is best for lower back comfort?
Here are some alternative exercises to sit-ups
For some people, sit-ups will help strengthen lower back
Two mothers say they had epidural side effects
Do warm-up exercises before shoveling snow
I’m not trying to discourage use of epidural injections
Reader questions the qualifications of chiropractors
Active athlete has back problem
Recreational hockey need not harm your health
Back care tips for Christmas
Exercise and diet made a new man out of Santa
Can epidural injection cause long-term effects?
Knee is “throbbing” after workout, says cyclist
Here are the facts about whiplash
Can you tell what is myth and what is fact regarding whiplash?
Breaks, exercises will help relieve typist’s back pain
MDs don’t have all the answers for medical treatments
Chiropractors’ training has improved in the past 50 years
A lot of reaction to man with “healing hands”
“Tension headaches” are most common type of headache
Here’s how to screen your child for scoliosis
Children should be screened for scoliosis
Those Blue Jays games can be a pain to watch
Man should consult doctor about back pain during sex
Sex probably isn’t the cause of pain in man’s lower back
Girl with scoliotic curve should have x-rays taken
Hockey player asks for advice on how to treat a hip pointer
Do I need to visit my chiropractor for regular check ups?
Study casts doubt on effectiveness of TENS treatment
Readers seek tips on a bland diet – “If it bothers you, don’t eat it” is advice for ulcer sufferers
Sufferers Should Keep a Diary of What They Eat: Certain Foods Can Trigger Migraines
Is It Dangerous for a 14 Year Old to Lift Weights?
Should Girls Take Extra Precautions if Playing Hockey?
Is it okay for child to wear hand-me-down shoes?
Is It Important to Have Regular Spinal ‘Maintenance’ Done?
Time for a Serious Holiday Message
Back pain comes and goes due to a herniated disc
‘Pinched nerve’ really isn’t an accurate term
These are the Murphy’s Laws of Arthritis
When You’re Hot, You’re Hot; If Not, You’re Cold
He’s Embarrassed About Problem with His Tailbone
Weather Can Trigger Migraines
Could Stiffness in My Hand be a Sign of Arthritis?
This Quiz Runs Hot and Cold
There Are Many Causes of Headaches
Ten Years Too Long to Live With a “Mystery” Back Pain
Should I Refrain From Any Exercise After Operation?
Is it Possible for Someone to have an Extra Rib
If Told a Confusing Medical Term Ask for Clarification
A Variety of Things Can Trigger Migraine Headaches
Heat or Ice?
My Fan Mail Has a Common Theme
Do You Suffer From Back Pain? Here’s Advice on What to Do?
Your Air Conditioner Can Give you a Pain
Murphy Isn’t the Only Guy to Invent a Law
Here are some tips on avoiding back injuries
Suffer Back Pain? You’re Not Alone. Most People Suffer Some Back Pain
Mental Block Means It’s Time For the “Junk” Mail
Should Children Avoid Wearing Sneakers?
She Disagreed With Answer
Several Vegetables and Fish Contain Calcium for Proper Diet
‘Pump Bump’ is a Real Pain in the Achilles Heel. Do you know Origin of Name?
Would Pelvic Tilt Exercises Help Improve My Posture?
Many Causes of Tension Headaches
Is Acupuncture Just “Hokey-Pokey”?
Will spinal maniputation help all back problems?
Child Seeks Cure for Dad’s Bad Back
It’s Time For Me to Get Caught Up on Some Letters
Bible Thumpin’ Once Considered a Ganglion Cure
Healing Hands and Magnetic Fields won’t Cure Every Illness
Bad move can cause back pain
Statistics Show that Lacrosse is a Relatively Safe Game to Play
What is Causing My Chest Pain?
Is My Back Problem Cured for Good?
How Risky is Skiing?
How Does Ultrasound work?
‘Hands-on’ Approach to Medicine is Important
Good Equipment Helps Prevent Ski Injuries
Chiropractic Therapy May Help Asthmatics
Can I Avoid Back Pain Problems?
A Professional Mover Knows how to Protect His Back
A Combination of Factors can Cause Headaches
Will Sleeping on Your Back Cause Neck Pain?
What are the Benefits of Calcium Supplements?
There’s No Set Time for Getting into Shape
Shouldn’t Chiropractor Treat His Own Sister?
Should Older Women Take Calcium Supplements?
Scoliosis Was Detected During the Stone Age
My Mailbag has Fan Mail and Complaints Too
How Safe is Kung Fu?
Are Bruised Ribs Treated the Same as Broken Ribs?
Ann Only Gave a 17 Word Answer
Will Poor Posture Result in a Bad Back?
When Is A Tot Ready for a Bed?
Upside Down Solution?
Study Gives Chiropractors Top Grades
Some MDs Aren’t Aware of What Chiropractors Do
How to Avoid Back Injuries When Shoveling Snow
Exercise Strengthens Skater’s Ankles
Chiropractors are Okay in this Reader’s Book
Better Late than Never
A ‘Spine Tingling’ Poem for Christmas
With All These Tests, I Should Host a TV Program
Why Does Spinal Manipulation Work?
Why does my middle chest bone stick out?
What causes muscle twitches?
Traction Therapy is Worth a Try
Retired MD Asks for an Explanation of Spinal Manipulation
Just ‘Hanging Around’ Proved to Be Relaxing
If High-Heeled Shoes Cause Pain Don’t Wear Them
How can scoliosis be treated?
Heel pain is a common problem for gymnasts
What’s the best car for back comfort?
‘What kind of exercise equipment should I buy?’
What is the nutritional value of rabbit?
Try this old philosophy to ease pain in the knee
So you wanted to know the nutritional value of a Big Mac?
Shoulder may be re-injured if he returns to hockey too soon
Shop around when buying home fitness equipment
I liked exercising on a rowing machine so much, I bought one
Exercise can help correct flat feet but only in some select cases
Bugs Bunny, others write on rabbits
Writer Seeks Tips on Relieving Back Pain
What exactly is arthritis and can this disease be prevented?
Tennis Strengthens legs, arms and helps flexibility
Stiff Neck Was Probably Caused by Muscle Spasm
Rebounders Help Hearts, Not Fat
Oh, my aching back! Here’s some remedies
How can flat feet be treated?
Height of pillow can cause or relieve neck, back problems
Chiropractor May be Able to Help Migraine Sufferer
You Can Avoid ‘Slipped Disc’ Problems
Will an Extra Spinal Bone Cause Back Problems?
Reader Wonders What Type of Arthritis He Has
Reader Seeks Tips on a Bland Diet “If it Bothers You, Don’t Eat It” is Advice for Ulcer Sufferers
Is Bee Pollen Beneficial?
How Does a Chiropractor Treat a Herniated Disc?
Gout Doesn’t Just Affect the Wealthy
Condition Not That Rare but Nothing Is Known About Namesake
Back Pain Can Be Eased During Pregnancy
Age is Factor Correcting Flat Feet
Will Some Exercises Help Ease Discomfort during Pregnancy?
Will Cracking Knuckles Cause Arthritis?
What’s Your Advice on Support Pillows?
Two Year old Complains of Lower Back Pain
Therapy Hasn’t Helped My Back; What Should I Do?
Some Advice on Having a Happy, Healthy Holiday
Row Yourself Back In Shape
Reader Seeks Exercise Tips
Reader Has Lost Respect for Many Doctors
How Can I Relieve a Stiff Neck and Shoulder?
Would Rowing Machine Help
Will Proper Shoes Help Correct Flat Feet?
Strenuous Activities Cause Him to Hyperventilate
She Injured Her “You Know What” in Fall
Readers Share More Stories
Readers Share Good News Stories About MDs
Reader Offers Tips on Relieving Back Pain
Patient Should Weigh Risk, Benefit of X-Ray
Knee Pads on a Toddler is a ‘Crazy Idea’
Bad Posture Seen in Every Movie Theatre
Why do some people get tension headaches while others don’t?
Treatment has given her hope
Some tips on staying healthy for baseball
Some tips on how to shovel snow safely.
No foolproof cure for tension headaches
Knee should be examined before man resumes skiing
Here are some more exercises to get you ready for baseball
Fall resulted in pain in man’s shoulder
A Charley horse could be many things.
Would a special bed help my husband’s back pain?
What exercises can seniors do?
What can I do to relieve a stiff neck and a headache?
What are some proper arthritis treatments?
Waterbeds offer ‘contact’ with the spine, however…
Teen is worried she might be anorexic
How can I improve my fitness level?
Hide dad’s racquet for a while
Foot fetish may cause arthritis
Back injuries a problem for employer
Why Does My Knee Get Big When I Play?
What Is the Best Way to Cure Tension Headaches?
Treatment Can Lessen Pain of Tennis Elbow
Some Answers about Vitamins
Shin Splints Can Be Treated
Pregnancy Can Ease Migraines
How to Find a Doctor Who’s a ‘Good Sport’
Here’s a Simple, Healthy Way to Lose Excess Weight
Dispelling Many Old Myths
Chest Pain Needs Prompt Care
Spinal Disease Primarily Affects Men 20 to 30 Years
Simple Exercise Will Loosen Up Your Neck
Research Determined that Breast Enlargement Devices are a Bust
Can Acupuncture Help Relieve Pain
Being a Kid Again Can Really Hurt
Use RICE for an Acute Injury
Treating a Hip Pointer
Some Tips on Staying Healthy for Baseball
Mill Pond at Three a Great Place to Be
Good Sales Help Stop Backaches
What Education Does a Chiropractor Have
What Does a Chiropractor Do?
These Exercises Will Help Prepare You for Baseball
Man’s Neck Treated but He Has Pain in His Arm
Is Aspirin the Only Treatment for Lupus?
Breast Development Column Amuses Readers
Blackboard Work Causes Teacher Pain
Being ‘Double- Jointed’ Isn’t Necessarily a Serious Problem
Ask Questions to Find a Sports Medicine MD
Are There Any Benefits for a Toddler to Use a Pillow
Surgery Should Be a Last Resort for Wrist Problem
She Wonders How Two Conditions Differ
More Information about Tension Headaches
Man Should See Doctor about Pain in His Jaw
Is a Sprain the Same Injury as a Strain
I Get Quite a Variety of Letters
How Does Alcohol Affect Athletes?
Good Posture Assists Proper Growth
Exercise Can Suppress Appetite
A Look at Reader Feedback to Column
Enrichment of Our Foods Has Helped Prevent Deficiencies
Will Exercise Lessen Back Pain?
My Waterbed Experiment Resulted in Low Back Pain
Most Foods Are Salty Enough
Knee Pain Can Get Worse If Not Treated Promptly
Hard Beds are Found Best for Those with Back Pain
‘Funny’ Column Is Appreciated
Can Vitamin C Cure Your Cold?
Back Pain Sufferer Needs Sympathy
Are Post-Game Exercises Important?
Chiropractors Can’t Cure Deaf
Office Worker Plagued by Back Pain
The Proper Way to Treat Bruises
What Is the Funny Bone?
There Are Many Causes of Back Pain
Try Exercising 15 Minutes a Day
Jogging on Busy Streets Presents a Health Hazard
A Number of Factors Can Cause Weekday Headaches
Rheumatoid Arthritis Affects Thousands
Vitamin C Builds Bone
Columnist recalls many gratifying moments
Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Liberal, Copyright February 24, 1988
Question: I have been reading in all the papers about Justine Blaney wanting to play boy’s hockey. I know you play hockey and I know you treat a lot of injured hockey players. My first question is what your opinion is of girls playing boys hockey. Continue Reading
Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Liberal, Copyright April 27, 1988
QUESTION : I have what you might think is a silly question. I have two kids and my youngest one is now at the age when he will be wearing shoes. My question is can he wear my eldest child’s old shoes. Would the shape of my eldest child’s foot have molded to the shoe, and would that be a problem for my youngest child when he starts walking? I hope you can understand what I mean and give me an answer. Continue Reading
Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Liberal, Copyright February 10, 1988
QUESTION: I have read your articles for many years in The Liberal . Some I have found to be very interesting, others quite boring. I don’t mean that in the negative sense. It’s just that I don’t find it interesting to read about things that don’t really pertain to me or my health. Continue Reading
Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Liberal, Copyright December 30, 1987
Well readers, I have now finished another year of writing these columns for The Liberal. That’s five years you know! Thank you. Continue Reading
Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Liberal, Copyright March 30, 1988
QUESTION : I have had a sore back and hip ever since I lifted the end of my boat trailer many years ago. The pain comes and goes, and is usually quite severe about once a year. This pain lasts about two weeks then it settles down to its normal state of “just being there.” Continue Reading
Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Liberal, Copyright February 6, 1988
QUESTION : My family doctor told me that I have a pinched nerve in my neck. My symptoms include numbness down my arm into my fingers, a burning pain in the top part of my shoulder, and my arm gets tired very easily. I don’t have any neck pain at all, and I can turn my head from side to side without any trouble. (My doctor was surprised when he saw that I could do this without pain.) From listening to my symptoms, and knowing what my doctor says, do you agree that my pain is coming from a pinched nerve, or do you think it is something else? Continue Reading
Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Liberal, Copyright April 13, 1988
In my March 9 column I reviewed some of the so-called ‘Murphy’s Laws.’ These are laws of nature which basically follow the principle set out in one of the original laws, ‘The Buttered Side Down Law.’ Continue Reading
Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright May 13, 1987
The moment you’ve all been waiting for has arrived. Today is the day I give the answers to the First annual Liberal Hot-Cold Quiz. Last week I gave 10 situations where the indication was to apply heat or cold to a person with pain. A few weeks ago I discussed the reasons why one would use one as opposed to the other.
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Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Liberal, Copyright June 22, 1988
QUESTION: I always used to laugh at people who wrote you letters asking for help with their problems. I thought it was rather funny that someone would waste their time writing to “some guy” in the paper, rather than just going to see someone face to face for help. Continue Reading
Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright 1985-1991
QUESTION: I have been going to chiropractors for the past 12 years for treatment of my migraine headaches. The treatments have been successful in as much as I no longer get any migraines at all.
The only headaches I get now are just your everyday garden variety ‘stress headaches’ and these only happen once every few months. In the past I would get severe migraines almost once a week. When I last saw my chiropractor I asked him this question, but he really couldn’t answer me. I have always been curious as to why migraine headaches are brought on by changes in the atmospheric pressure. I used to be able to predict when a storm was coming because I would get a certain type of migraine. That no longer happens but I have always been curious about why it did.
Continue Reading