Dr. Horowitz’s Published Newspaper Articles

Dr. Horowitz’s Published Newspaper Articles

The following articles were written by Dr. Horowitz and were published in various newspapers several years ago. To the best of his knowledge and expertise these articles were 100% factual at the time they were written and published. Changes are always occurring in the field of chiropractic and other health sciences, and as such, some of the information contained in these articles may no longer be valid or may no longer reflect current thought on the subject under discussion. Please read these articles and enjoy them for what insight they give you, but always consult your chiropractor or other health professional if you require up to date information on the topic. Also, these articles are for enjoyment and information purposes only, and should not be relied upon for “medical advice”. Please consult your chiropractor or other health professional if you require medical advice or treatment. These articles are copyrighted and it is strictly forbidden to reproduce these articles, in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, without Dr. Horowitz’s written permission.

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Fitness clubs should provide proper instruction

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Liberal, Copyright September 11, 1991

This is the second in a series of articles which should be titled “Inside a Fitness Club’’ – What You Always Wanted to Know. In the last article, I explained that I sent my wife in to a local club (Fitness Heaven) to do the routine that was set out for her. She was to be treated like every other member, as no one on the staff knew that they were being evaluated. Today I will outline the routine she was given. Continue Reading

Children’s back pain requires immediate attention

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Liberal, Copyright May 22, 1991

Back pain is an exceptionally common condition and one which will affect most adults at some time in their lives. Back pain in children is a different situation and one which deserves attention from those to whom the child may complain. Continue Reading

Sit right back and you’ll hear a tale of bone islands

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Liberal, Copyright July 17, 1991

Dear Dr. Horowitz:

I had a scare a few weeks ago when I was having some hip pain and went to my doctor to have it looked at. Continue Reading

Check out fitness clubs for yourself before joining

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Liberal, Copyright April 18, 1991

For the past two weeks I have been discussing an undercover operation I arranged in order to give my readers some insight into what they might expect if they joined a fitness club. I discussed the initial consultation, the exercise routine outline and what usually happens at each session. Continue Reading

Back supports can provide relief from some forms of pain

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Liberal, Copyright August 28, 1991

I received an interesting letter last week which at first annoyed me, then amused me, and then reminded me that I should do a column on back supports. Continue Reading

A tot should always be in a safety seat when in the car

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Liberal, Copyright February 6, 1991

A recent column was discussing the merits of seatbelts and the proper use of these life-saving devices.
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A good bicycle helmet doesn’t have to be expensive and it might save your life

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, The Liberal, Copyright June 19, 1991

The previous few week’s columns have been dedicated to bringing you information regarding the importance of using helmets while riding bicycles. It sounds like a simple enough idea. Put a helmet on before you get on your bike, and it may save your life. Make your children wear a helmet and they may also be saved from a serious head injury. Continue Reading

Studies show the benefits of chiropractic treatment

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright November 28, 1990

In last week’s column I previewed two studies done to determine the effects of two different forms of therapy which are commonly used to treat lower back pain.

The first study was reported in the British Medical Journal (June 2, 1990) and the second was reported in the New England Journal of Medicine (June 7, 1990). Both of these studies are outlined and their conclusions are commented on in a publication titled the “Harvard Medical School Health Letter” which is published monthly by the Harvard Medical School Health Information Group in Boston, Mass. Continue Reading

Spinal manipulation starting to receive recognition from medical community

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright November 22, 1990

Upon visiting the neighbourhood pharmacy a few weeks ago the pharmacist beckoned me to the dispensary and told me tat he had something for me. It was a copy of a publication called the Harvard Medical School Health Letter. This publication is put out by Harvard Medical School and has been published for the last 16 years. On the back of the publication is the statement which outlines the intent of the Harvard Medical School Health Letter. Continue Reading

Everything you wanted to know about the health benefits of long-distance cycling

Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright November 14, 1990

Dear Dr. Horowitz:

            I am supposed to investigate the beneficial health effects one will undergo after long distance bicycle riding.

This is a project for my phys-ed. class and I was wondering if you had any information you might be able to give me.

Anything at all would be great, as I am finding it hard to come up with any facts. Continue Reading

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