Why should I see a Chiropractor?

  • Are you suffering from lower back pain? Or, do your headaches never seem to go away?
  • Have you been injured at work or in a car accident and are having trouble dealing with the pain?
  • Are you active in sports, but after the game have stiff joints and shooting pains?
  • Are you pregnant with an aching back?
  • Are you in your Golden years and having trouble enjoying retirement because those aches and pains are getting in the way?
  • Are you concerned with the health of your whole body, and are looking for a different approach to health care?
  • Are you concerned with your newborn’s or child’s long term well being and growth?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, You should visit your local chiropractor.

Every day in Canada, over 120,000 people receive treatment from Doctors of Chiropractic.

Your chiropractor is a doctor with over 7 years of university education in the art of hands-on healing.

Chiropractors use a combination of treatments for your condition. They are specialists in using exact, gentle manipulations of your spine to make you feel great. Chiropractic treatment also includes diet and exercise programs to get you back into tip-top shape.

What should I expect at my first visit?

You will be asked to complete some health history and personal information forms. The doctor will then consult with you regarding the reasons why you came to the office. A complete history will be taken. You will be taken into the exam room where you may (depending on the condition) be asked to change into a patient gown, or remove some clothing in order for the doctor to conduct the examination. You are free to have a friend or a relative in the room with you at all times, if you desire. The doctor will then examine the area in question, as well as any other area that may be playing a role in your condition. After the exam and consultation the doctor will fully explain all the findings and answer any questions that you may have. X-ray’s or other tests may be ordered depending on the condition. Once a firm diagnosis has been established the treatment options will be explained to you. The great majority of our patients have a treatment immediately after the exam, on the first visit day. Usually the doctor has enough information at this time to begin treatment. If x-rays or other tests are needed they can be ordered, but they are not usually required as a prerequisite to begin treatment. After the treatment you will be told when you should book your next visit, if one is required. The total time in the office on your first visit, including filling out forms, consultation, examination, treatment, and discussion with the doctor is usually about 1- 1 ½ hours.

Are there actually different kinds of chiropractic care?

Just as there are different reasons for visiting a chiropractor, there are different types of care. Which approach you take depends on what you’re trying to achieve. Some patients simply want relief from pain. Others are looking for a way to stay healthy. In either case, chiropractic care works.

I thought chiropractors were just for back pain!

Chiropractic care addresses spinal problems (called subluxations) anywhere in your spine, not just in your low back. A subluxation exists where spinal bones become misaligned or lose their normal range of movement. These problem sites irritate or put pressure on local nerves which interferes with communication between your brain and body (and vice versa). Using highly skilled, gentle adjustments the unhealthy effect on your body is reduced and corrected. In time, the spine and its nervous system can function normally again. To help you accomplish this, there are different types of chiropractic care available.

What types of chiropractic care are there?

All chiropractic care begins with an initial examination, after which x-rays may be recommended to determine the seriousness of your condition. In addition to being adjusted, you may be given exercises to do, diet suggestions and ways to improve your posture.
Relief Care is provided for acute pain and discomfort. Depending on the diagnosis, your age and physical condition, frequent visits over a relatively short period of time may be required.

Corrective Care treats long term spinal problems. Because they have existed for some time they require a longer period of care, similar to crooked teeth slowly improving with braces.

Maintenance Care helps you retain the benefits you’ve achieved from the relief and corrective care. Continuing to work with your chiropractor and having periodic adjustments will keep you as healthy as you can be in your particular lifestyle.

Chiropractic visits, exercise and a sensible diet will help you enjoy the best of health well into the future. So now, if you do happen to become a grandparent, it really can be grand.

Wait a minute. I hear a lot about wellness, but what does it really mean?

The word wellness has become a catch phrase that means different things to different people. To your chiropractor wellness is the state of health where your body is free of interruption or interference to any part of your nerve system, enabling you full expression and enjoyment of life. For example, how well you feel is not a dependable indicator of your actual health. Even if you feel you’re coping well with recurrent long-term and familiar aches and pains you are still overtaxing your body, resulting in a low overall wellness score.

My chiropractor treats my spine for back and neck problems, what’s that got to do with wellness?

Let’s start at the beginning. First, it’s your nervous system that determines how well you feel mentally, emotionally and physically. When your nervous system isn’t up to par because of spinal problems it has to work overtime to compensate.

The effect of an overworked or stressed nervous system can be headache, fatigue, muscle ache and pain and a host of other unpleasant symptoms which can become more serious or lead to more complicated conditions as time passes. The solution can be a simple one: chiropractic care. Your chiropractor is a spinal specialist who can help you restore health to your spine. This will allow your nervous system to work at its best so you can get on with your life.

So you could say my chiropractor is a wellness specialist, right?

Right. Your chiropractor will discover any problems that are interfering with your nervous system and through hands-on healing will work with you to eliminate them. After chiropractic adjustment your body will be better able to heal itself. This, in turn, aids your body in maintaining optimum health and thus contributes to your overall wellness. So yes, in addition to relieving spinal back and neck pain your chiropractor is a wellness specialist.

Is lower back pain really a serious problem?

First of all, if it makes life more difficult for you, that’s serious in itself. Even it goes away in a few days you haven’t really gotten rid of the problem. It will most likely return and if left untreated, could be more debilitating the next time. Which is why we recommend seeing a chiropractor at the first sign of back pain.

Lower back pain can also be accompanied by a variety of symptoms, some of which indicate very serious problems. Do you currently have or have you ever had:

  • Leg pain with numbness, tingling and/or weakness?
  • Back or leg pain with coughing or sneezing?
  • Difficulty standing up after sitting for any period of time?
  • Morning stiffness?
  • Pain after extended walking?
  • Pain in hip, buttock, thigh, knee or foot?

If you’ve answered “yes” to any of these symptoms, its time you got help from a doctor. A doctor of chiropractic.

Why a chiropractor?

Chiropractors are doctors with over seven years of university level education in the art of hands-on healing. They’re the doctors that have been proven to get the best results in the relief of back pain. The Manga Report (a milestone study by the Ontario Ministry of Health) concluded that chiropractic care is safer, more effective and more scientific, than any other treatment available. Isn’t it time you got relief for that aching back?

What will a chiropractor do?

Chiropractors use highly specialized hands-on healing techniques (called adjustments) to correct spinal problems and offer long term relief. Your first visit will include neurological, orthopaedic and chiropractic examinations, and if necessary, an x-ray may be recommended to assist in diagnosing your problem. Once your chiropractor fully understands your condition he’ll give you a complete explanation of your test and x-ray results along with an effective plan of treatment. Next Step? Relief.

How does it work?

Through chiropractic adjustments your body is given the opportunity to heal itself. That’s because once the spine is properly aligned your entire nervous system can work the way it was intended. Health is restored naturally to your lower back and your whole body.

But long-term relief from back pain is a team effort. There’s plenty you can do as well. Consider a healthier lifestyle, moderate exercise, a well-balanced diet and improving your posture. Your chiropractor will do the rest by providing your body with the necessary adjustments to help your spine be healthier and stay healthier.

Can a chiropractor really get rid of my headaches?

It will help to understand what causes most headaches. Your spine protects your nervous system which starts with the brain and becomes the spinal cord. When the vertebrae in your neck are unable to move properly, it irritates or puts pressure on the nerves in that area. That can cause headaches. To correct this problem (called a subluxation) a chiropractor gently adjusts the vertebrae. Since most headaches are caused by subluxations, they will soon disappear.

Why would I have spinal problems in my neck?

There are many reasons. They can originally occur during the birth process, and as your body grows and matures. Also, falls, sports activities, motor vehicle accidents, bad posture or simply the stresses of daily living can cause spinal problems. It is also very common for headache sufferers to experience neck pain and stiffness.

But my headaches are migraines?

Migraine headaches are usually severe and sharp, throbbing in nature, and generally affect one side of the head. Tension headaches tend to occur frequently, last a long time and are characterized by a dull, steady pain that feels like a band of pressure around the neck. But despite these differences they are closely related. Chiropractic care has been proven to be extremely effective in treating migraine and tension headaches as well as neck pain and stiffness.

What will the chiropractor do to treat my headaches?

Your first visit will include a consultation, examination and possibly an x-ray to help diagnose your problem. Once your condition is fully understood, your chiropractor will explain your test and x-ray results and outline a treatment plan that is tailored to your needs. Your chiropractor will use highly skilled, gentle manipulations to adjust the spine.

Once my headache stops, does the chiropractic care end?

Your body continues to heal after the pain has gone. Continuing to have chiropractic adjustments helps to retrain your vertebrae to hold their healthy positions. Your nervous system will function more efficiently and your body will be better able to heal itself. In time, exercise, a healthy diet, and periodic visits to the chiropractor will help you stay healthy, pain free, and live life to the fullest.

I never had these problems when I was younger, why now?

Your spine, like the rest of your body, has had its fair share of ups and downs during your lifetime and if not cared for appropriately, may degenerate over time. The result of this living stress can be a spine that is out of alignment causing joint stiffness and impairment to your spinal health, leading to pain and disability. The good news is that chiropractic treatments can help relieve these conditions and restore spinal health. The end result? You’re maintaining your good health so you can fully enjoy your retirement years. Chiropractors are doctors with over seven years of university level education in the science and art of hands-on healing. They’re the doctors who use treatments that are proven to be the safest and most effective in relieving back pain according to the Manga Report (a milestone study by the Ontario Ministry of Health). Call a chiropractor today and get relief from those nagging aches and pains.

I am pregnant. Why is my back aching all the time?

There are few things in life that put more stress on your spine than pregnancy. Your spine must adapt to posture and weight changes with each passing month and commonly the uncomfortable result is lower back pain. Many women have come to accept that back pain accompanies pregnancy and menstrual cycles. But it shouldn’t have to. Your body was made to compensate and adapt naturally to pregnancy and if you are experiencing aches and pains, something else is wrong and needs to be addressed. Not just for you, but for your developing and growing child as well. A chiropractor is specially trained to locate and correct the problems that are causing your back pain. As well, many women find that labour is shorter and more comfortable after having received chiropractic care during pregnancy. Your chiropractor has special techniques and equipment that will make you comfortable no matter what your stage of pregnancy. You’ll be relaxed and best of all, you’ll say good bye to that aching back.

What are subluxations?

Subluxations are problem areas of the spine that affect your entire nervous system. In these problem areas the spinal bones are misaligned or have lost their normal range of movement. This irritates or puts pressure on local nerves which interferes with the communication between your brain and body (and vice versa).

How do subluxations happen?

The stresses and strains of everyday living such as housework, gardening, desk work, lifting, or even sleeping on the couch can cause spinal problems. So can falls, accidents (especially car accidents), sports activities and injuries. In children subluxations can initially occur during the birth process, learning to walk, in play and from everyday childhood activities.

What are some of the warning signs of subluxations?

Symptoms such as headaches, back pain, neck stiffness, pain in your shoulders, arms or legs, numbness in your hands or feet, or nervousness are the most common signs of subluxations. But like a tooth cavity, most people will have a subluxation long before they notice any symptoms.

How are subluxations corrected?

Your chiropractor will reduce and correct subluxations with highly skilled adjustments to your spine. If the subluxations have been present a short time, you may only need a few adjustments. However long-term, chronic subluxations will require more frequent adjustments to retrain the problem areas of the spine to hold the vertebrae in their normal, healthy positions. As subluxations are corrected, your nervous system starts to function properly again and your body heals itself.

How can I avoid subluxations?

If you want to keep subluxations from reoccurring, or new ones from developing, it’s best to have periodic adjustments. Combined with a sensible diet and moderate exercise, chiropractic care can help you enjoy the best of health for the rest of your life. Seeing a chiropractor should go with everyone’s job!

What is an adjustment?

The wear and tear of everyday life is hard on your spine. It can become misaligned and cause many health problems. This is because the nervous system runs through your spine and controls every function of your body. Chiropractic adjustments are highly skilled, gentle manipulations of your spine. Adjustments help your nervous system to function properly again which allows your whole body to regain and maintain its good health.

What causes these spinal problems?

These problems are known as subluxations and can initially occur during the birth process. As your body grows and matures, falls, sports activities, accidents, bad posture or simply the stresses and strains of daily life can cause additional spinal problems to occur or can further irritate those that already exist. Left uncorrected, subluxations lead to conditions such as colic in infants, and headaches, back pain and generally poor health in adults.

What is it like to be adjusted?

Patients feel comfortable and relaxed while being adjusted. As the photos suggest, there are many adjustment techniques that your chiropractor may use to best treat your condition.

When should I be adjusted?

If you’re experiencing back pain, headaches or any other pain or health problem, you should see your chiropractor immediately. Once your spinal problems have been corrected with adjustments and exercise, it’s easy to maintain a healthy spine. Having periodic adjustments, even when you’re feeling ok, is the best way to keep your spine in great shape. You might be surprised at how healthy you become, even if you thought you were fine before!

Why does my chiropractor want to see me again? I’m feeling terrific.

Just when you thought you’d be saying goodbye to your chiropractor she’s suggesting a maintenance care program. However, it’s important for you to know that your chiropractor is committed to your long term health and well-being. Are you feeling confused? Read on, we’ll explain. Maintenance care is important and it will benefit you, your spine and especially your overall health.

Remember, how you feel does not always reflect how healthy you really are. As a spinal health expert your chiropractor realizes it is easier to prevent spinal problems than to correct them. That’s why a maintenance care program consisting of regularly scheduled chiropractic spinal examinations is being recommended to you.

My problems aren’t going to come back, are they?

With proper follow-up chiropractic care your spine will continue to get stronger, but without it, chances are your old problems (and the pain that comes with them) will resurface. Ongoing spinal check-ups and treatments by your chiropractic doctor can not only prevent the return of old problems, they may also stop new problems from developing.

So a healthy spine means a healthy body?

By following a chiropractic maintenance program you’ll be rewarded with a strong, healthy spine and a renewed sense of well-being.

Your chiropractor and you. It’s a team that makes good sense.

Your Diet and Chiropractic Care

Your chiropractor is trained in nutrition and how diet effects your health and overall well being. To your chiropractor, nutrition comprises more than simply three meals a day. The chiropractic profession views nutrition as the materials needed to maintain your health, and includes the vitamin, mineral, and tissue building quality of what you eat. Some foods should be avoided, while others consumed more frequently. You should consult your chiropractor directly for your specific nutrient requirements, but here is a general list to consider.

You should avoid:

  • White refined sugar and candy
  • Smoking and alcohol
  • Caffeine, found in coffee and cola drinks
  • “Junk Foods”, and empty calories
  • Salt and foods high in salt content

You should increase your intake of:

  • Water
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grain breads and cereals
  • Lean cut red meats
  • Fish and poultry
  • Skim milk and low fat dairy products

Exercise and Chiropractic Health

Regular exercise is a key component to your long term health and well being. Part of your chiropractic treatment may include certain exercises to strengthen damaged muscles around your spine. It is crucial for you to follow the exercise routine prescribed by your chiropractor. Also, you should consult with your chiropractor before beginning any exercise program. An improper exercise program can work against your chiropractic treatments and your long term health.

Proper Posture: A Key to Your Good Health

There is more to good posture than simply looking healthier and more confident. Since your spinal cord is responsible for the proper functioning of your entire nervous system, bad or improper posture can lead to excessive stress upon the spine resulting in increased stress on your body. For example, poor posture can constrain the normal functioning of your lungs, causing breathing problems. The same problem can exist for other vital organs.

Here are some simple tests to determine if you have good posture:

  • Stand facing a wall. Your posture is correct if your chest touches the wall. If your head touches the wall is posture is fair, if your stomach touches, you have bad posture.
  • Look at yourself in a full length mirror. If one shoulder is higher than the other, your posture is in imbalance and you should consultant a chiropractor.

If your posture is not right, you should consult a chiropractor.

You should not only develop good posture for your back and health, proper care should be observed when lifting any objects.

Here are some tips for safe lifting:

  • Establish firm footing with feet shoulder width apart.
  • Wear non-slip shoes.
  • Lift with your legs.
  • Keep your stomach muscles tight.
  • Do not reach.
  • Do not bend your back. Bend at the hips and knees.
  • Keep the object close to your body.
  • Turn with your feet. Don’t twist!
  • Pull, push, rock, roll or slide the object if possible instead of lifting.

Good posture and wise lifting is a good way to keep your back healthy.

Is it necessary to go on seeing a chiropractor for life?

That all depends on your health goals. For many people, regular chiropractic adjustments are just part of a healthy lifestyle which includes adequate exercise, good nutrition, and a positive mental attitude. It’s a combination you can’t beat. Ask your chiropractor for more information about how to achieve optimal health. And start living your life to the fullest.

Does it hurt to get your spine adjusted?

Not at all. Chiropractic adjustments are comfortable and safe for the whole family, from infants to pregnant women and the elderly. For hundreds of thousands of Canadians, visiting a chiropractor is just routine – like regular dental check-ups.

Do physicians recommend chiropractic care?

Most do, and many physicians are being treated by chiropractors themselves.

If I go to see a chiropractor, will I be expected to keep going?

That’s entirely up to you. Some people only want to be treated for a specific pain or illness, and when the symptoms disappear they stop going. Others use chiropractic care to fully correct the underlying cause of the symptoms and to remain feeling really well. Like a car, your body has constant stress and wear, and it benefits from a ‘tune-up’. However, which treatment approach you want is always your choice.

Doesn’t it cost a fortune?

No. Many of the pain-killers and drugs you buy to treat pain and illness cost more than chiropractic care. Yet chiropractic care treats more than the symptoms of poor health, it treats the underlying cause. It also helps to restore and maintain good health – without using any drugs.

Maintaining a car costs about $6,000 a year. Chiropractic care costs a fraction of that.