Dr. Allan Horowitz, published newspaper article, Richmond Hill Liberal, Copyright July 04, 1990

Dear Readers:

Late last year I wrote a series of articles about an illness known as fibrositis, which is a very puzzling “disease” which causes muscular pain and fatigue, among other things.

Unfortunately, there was some mix-up between the staff at The Liberal and my own staff member responsible for picking up my mail from them (my wife) and as a result three letters were forgotten until just recently.

I feel badly about this because they were all written with a sense of urgency and I know that those who wrote them must feel like they have been ignored.

One letter I will not publish, for several reasons. One letter was written on Jan. 22 by Betty G., a Richmond Hill resident. One letter was written on Dec. 15 by Mrs. S.T., also of Richmond Hill.

Mrs. S.T.’s letter was such an important act for her that she sent a copy of this letter to her rheumatologist in Richmond Hill. (A rheumatologist is the type of doctor who most often “treats” fibrositis.)

This letter is four typed pages and it describes so well one patient’s fight with this illness that I don’t want to cut anything from its contents. For the next two weeks I will run her letter in its entirety.

Today’s letter is from Betty G:

Dear Dr. Horowitz:

            I read with great interest your columns on fibrositis, having been diagnosed a year ago as having this wonderful disease. It is gratifying to know that it is now known and that other treatments besides sleeping pills are available.

All of the symptoms you described I had, and I still have. I am in middle age and I am under stress at work and at home. I was away from work for eight months and returned on a part-time basis for three months. I am now working full-time again.

This is a very frightening disease. At the beginning I had chest pains, trouble breathing when talking or walking, etc. And I was unable to write because I was so tired all the time.

These symptoms have decreased but getting enough rest is very important, or you feel much worse.

Readers: This is a typical letter from a typical fibrositis patient. They feel tired, weak and sore. Their muscles hurt and they feel very “stressed.”

Many doctors will claim that the stress brings on the symptoms, but most patients will answer that by stating that the doctor also would be under stress he/she never felt well, never had any energy and never slept at night.

Next week’s letter form S..T. really gives a description of this terrible affliction, while at the same time blasting me, the medical profession and everyone else who she feels hasn’t taken this illness seriously enough for too long.

This letter is worthy of a Pulitzer Prize and I will bring it to you in its entirety beginning next week.